Master of Science in Biology

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Program Structure

The master’s programs in Biology is taught in English and oriented towards highly motivated and globally diverse next-generation researchers. It offer state-of-the-art education in a wide variety of biological fields, including Anthropology, Cell Biology, Ecology, Evolution, Genetics, Human Biology, Microbiology, Neurobiology, Plant Sciences, Systematic Biology, and Zoology.

Teaching and Research

The Faculty of Biology at LMU Munich is made up of internationally recognized researchers and award-winning instructors. The faculty provides excellent facilities for contemporary research and studies in the modern Biocenter, part of the HighTechCampus in Großhadern/Martinsried just outside of Munich. High profile institutions are situated in close vicinity, including the Max Planck Institutes for Biochemistry and Neuroscience, the German Research Center for Environmental Health, the Gene Center, the Faculty for Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Science and the brand new Biomedical Center. The existing cooperative network with these institutions provides students with excellent teaching resources and a rich and unique research environment.

The master's program is taught in English and is oriented toward highly motivated and globally diverse next-generation researchers. It offers a state-of-the-art education in a wide variety of biological fields, including Anthropology, Cell Biology, Ecology, Evolution, Genetics, Human Biology, Microbiology, Neurobiology, Plant Sciences, Systematic Biology, and Zoology.

The Master’s in Biology allows you to build on your bachelor’s degree anBio-Wuerfel_300pxd further deepen your knowledge through a variety of specialized modules. The goal of the master’s program is to allow as much freedom as possible in the choice of subjects and the organization of courses. 


After completion of a master's degree, students may pursue an individual doctoral research project or a doctorate in one of the Faculty of Biology graduate schools.

The Graduate School Life Science Munich (LSM)

The Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences (GSN)