Master of Science in Biology

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Selection Process

Selection for the program occurs in two steps:

  1. During the first step, the documents from your previous studies and your application essay are evaluated. Combined scores are assigned according to your grade point average from previous studies (60%) and your essay grade (40%). Admission to the MSc program requires a combined score of <2.5. (The German grading system starts with 1= very good, 2= good,..., 5= fail.) If the grading system of your home country differs from the German system, we will convert the grades.
  2. If your combined score is greater than 2.5 or in cases by which we feel eligibility need be confirmed, you will be invited to take an entrance exam.  Applicants who pass this exam will be admitted to the program. The exam is administered at the Biocenter; you will be notified of the time and date. For foreign applicants, we try to organize the exam in a Goethe Institute (or similiar institute) in your country. 

For further information about the admissions criteria for the Master's in Biology, please see the Eignungssatzung Master Biologie in Download Information (only available in German).